Naughty Nattie...
...has been and gone and tagged me. The rules are: List 5 weird things about yourself or your pets. Tag 5 friends and list them. Then, those people need to write on their blogs about 5 weird things, and state the rules, and tag 5 more people. I am tagging Sue, Rach, Jackie, Tina and Linz.
1. Our dog Beau, sadly deceased in 2004, would sing along, howling like a werewolf, every time the title music to Neighbours came on. He'd run into the living room as soon as the opening notes started and off he'd go. Only that tune, and only the original music when it first started in the 80s. Really really funny. We have it on video somewhere...
2. I've never been drunk, not even slightly. I suppose a lot of people would think that was weird.
3. When I was in Junior school my friends and I went through a phase of bringing in an Oxo cube to eat for a snack at playtime. Now that IS weird!
4. I have little blood vessels on one of my legs which make a crucifix shape.
5. My eyes change colour according to the weather...they're very bright light blue with flecks of green in if it's very sunny, and distinctly darker and grey if the weather's dull. My husband didn't believe me until he witnessed this for himself...
Later bloggeroonies.
Yup I guess that confirms are weird! :o)
Oh God ... i'm wretching at the thought of eating Oxo cubes !!! All that salt as well !!!
Absolutely PML @ the photo of you holding the SI layout with your tongue sticking out - really funny !!
Anyway, its really nice to 'meet' you Chrissie ... via the luvverly Tina of course !
Big hugs xx
I would like to clarify that we didn't shove them in whole and munch away like they were Smarties! LOL We would lick them and nibble them slowly. Quite tasty small doses!
I agree with Gems;) hehehehe
Great answers!!
i needed to put better instruction on my tag a few people have not got it :)
I'm sooo naughty!!!! But you're soooo weird!!! Whatever manner in which you ate the oxo cubes - it's just plain odd! Hehehe :) xxx
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