Oh stop going on all of you!
I've been BUSY!!!
I had a week out with the demise of Pooter. Then A blinkin' O blinkin' L sent me a connectivity update the day after we got Pooter 2 up and running, and rather than making me connect in an updated fashion, it actually made it so I actually couldn't connect at all...actually. A very grumpy soddin' Chrissie a whole day later and many phone calls to A blinkin' O blinkin' L (including one to Customer Services imparting words of venom in as calm a manner as I possibly could muster in the circumstances) and I was back on line. And (would you believe) 45 minutes after being back online, they sent me the same connectivity update. Needless to say I did NOT accept it that time. Chuh. So then I spent all day last Saturday working like a thing possessed to catch up on Gloucester retreat stuff (literally 9am to midnight...I don't think I ate anything at all till about 3 in the afternoon when my stomach was telling me it would even eat a scabby donkey).
And then Monday and yesterday I was doing a layout for Scrapbook Inspirations, which I can't show you. Nothing new there then. But here's a picture of me holding it :D Bwaahaahaa. I did send them a more normal pic of me holding it as I felt they may not go for the 'mad witch' look. Plus my roots need doing...tsk.
So I thought I would show you a layout I finished at the South Wales Crop this month (grovelly thank yous to Penny for having pretty black punch out flower things on her class layout which I nicked, and to Fi for the use of her rather yummy stamp which finished the page off a treat).
Anyway...I repent of being a bad bad blogger and I shall mend my ways and be a good good blogger from now on.
So...two bits of trivia. Danny and I were discussing the fact that we'd not seen a Cadbury's Whispa in the shops for ages. I love those! Where in the heck have they gone then? So I emailed Cadbury (oh yes I did - I'm so laughing now at my own weirdness) and said, "Where are the Whispas?" and they said they'd discontinued them. Tsk! I think we need to start a campaign! They discontinue Whispas and yet keep some of their other rubbish choccie bars on the market. I'll show them...I'll eat nothing but Peanut Kit Kats which are made by Nestle and then they'll be sorry.And who saw the new version of Jane Eyre on telly on Sunday? Ooo I do love a Bronte (Wuthering Heights being one of my favourite novels of all time). It's a 4 parter so if you missed it just join the party this weekend. It's directed by the same woman who did the wonderful Bleak House last year. Anyway I LOVED it, although it did make me laugh when Mr Rochester says to Jane "So Jane, do you think me attractive" and she says, "Oh NO Sir!" and I'm sitting there thinking "Big big pants on fire" as Mr Rochester is just sexy-yum-yums on a stick.
Right. Off to sort out the best retreat this side of the English Channel (La Manche for all you Frenchies who read this blog!
It's about time you wrote on here!!! hehehe
Great layout .. nice to see a whole layout instead of just a corner;) And your picture is great!
Glad eveything is sorted out now :)
Love the LO! Can't wait to see the mag when it comes out adn personally I think you should have gone with the mad-cap photo!!!
Jayne Eyre. Now there's something I'll not be watching. Did it for my A-level and although, of course I sailed through (lol) I hated every minute of the bleak and silly story!!! Won't say why cos I don't want to spoil it for anyone who may not have ever read or seen it!!!!!!!!
And BTW, tag!!!!
OMG, I absolutely love your LO, so bright and beautiful blending of colours too, what a pretty photo of the lil uns aswell. Beth XX (Nattie G's pal).
Awww fank you!!
The layout is gorgeous Chrissie! :o) The picture is beautiful, and I think the use of black accents really sets the page off.
Love ~*Gems*~ xxx
love that lo, and do i see angel kisses :)
anna x
Is it POSSIBLE to do a layout WITHOUT Angel Kisses???!! :0 LOL!!
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