Thursday, August 03, 2006

One of the things I love...

about my "hunky husband" as Anita M put it today *Chrissie waves* (...I know you're reading this luv - LOL) is his sense of the ridiculous. Take this poster we were both gazing at absent-mindedly in the Fun Factory today (the Fun Factory is a fab climbing frame, tube slide, ball pit type affair that they should do for adults but, in fact, only exists for children *sigh* We were there with Celyn). He suddenly launched into hypothetical scenarios...

*Waves arms wildly* ", kids...gerroff! Gerroff!" *Acting out 5 children hanging from every part of man in Brewster Bear costume's body* "Don't pull my head off....waaaaaaah!!!"

*Acting out child kicking man in Brewster Bear outfit in the bits* *Kick* "You gave my sister a balloon! I want a balloon!!" *Punch* made me laugh. To actually have gone to the trouble of producing a professionally drawn poster to be displayed in this and (presumably) all Fun Factories, they must have had a number of 'incidents' over the years. Hilarious. (I took the photo with my phone in case any of you are thinking, "What a total sadcake, taking her camera with her everywhere she goes").

One of the funniest 'sense of the ridiculous' Danny moments ever was about a year ago. We were driving home along our usual route from the supermarket, past where 5 or 6 houses had been going up for several months. These were now completed and had a showhome tour available, with balloons advertising the fact, attached to a fence next to the sign. As we drove past Danny noticed a policeman who had stopped his car and was stood next to the ballooned fence, talking on his two-way radio. Danny launches into hypothetical conversation...

"Well, yes Sarg. There's balloons Sarg. Dunno Sarg...but there's pink ones and red ones Sarg. Should I investigate Sarg? Right Sarg, right..."

I peed myself laughing.

I have been trying trying trying for at least a week to get some scrapping done. I get up bright and breezy in the morning thinking 'This is the day' and then life takes over. And when I finally sit down it's 9.30pm and my brain's in the sink along with the dirty dishes from dinner. Pah. Is this just me I am wondering because all the blogs I look at, people are scrapping left right and centre, and producing one or two things a week? Is it just my life that's so hectic? How do you peeps fit scrapbooking in???

Well, I've got the Swansea Crop on Friday (yey!) and there is a vicious rumour that when you go to a crop you should actually get some scrapping done. No...really! Truly!'re not supposed to just sit in a hall for between 4-7 hours (or however long), get everything out, chat a lot, and then put it all away again. So I've heard...


Vikki said...

Love your blog.. and yes Iget days when you get motivated...things happen and then it is bedtime....

Enjoy the crop!

SmileyCarrie said...

hahah that sounds like fun... I want to go to that one Gems is talking about!

I go through stages with scrapping where I am motivated every night.. than may not for weeks. *shrugs* Who knows. This week I have been motivated.. but other things (ie. chores & homework) have been neglected. Whoops ;)

Nat said...

What?! You mean your camera is NOT surgically attached to your forearm? Call yourself a SCRAPBOOKER?!! Pah! xxx

Linz said...

Someone's been pulling your leg there my love.

Go to a crop and actually scrapbook - never heard of that one myself :)

Chrism said...

:lol: Chrissie your blog is brilliant honey - cheers me up whenever I read it - especially when I am about to leave for work.... I would like to see a crop where people actually scrap as well :lol: mind you I intend to finish at least one that I have started this saturday :)