Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Ooo Ooo Ooooooooooooo!

Look what I'm getting, look what I'm getting *Chrissie's bits start jiggling where she's jumping from one foot to the other doing a happy dance*

Prisca Jockovic is one of my favourite scrapbookers. She's French, and, partly due to the fact that I speak French, I am buddy with her (Coucou Prisca *Chrissie ondule!*) and she (bless her little French chaussettes de coton) is sending me her brand spanking new book. Which, to be fair, is


I'm so happy, I'm so happy, I'm so haaaaa-ppyyyyyy! Tee hee heeeeeeee, hee heeeeeeee!

Merci bien Prisca!!! Grosses biz!


Deborah Duck said...

Je suis want one aussi!

Sorry, my schoolgirl French is sadly lacking. How do you know all these clever people? I didn't know the French were into scrapping all that much, shows what I know LOL.

Chrissie said...

There is a big French scene. And their style is different to ours as ours is different to America. They have a big convention coming up in Paris in October with big names there. I wanna gooooooo!'s "J'en veux aussi" (I want one too)

Kim said...

Show off !!!! Can you come on hols with us in August, we are going to France, and all I can say is Je voudrais une chambre pour deux person avec salle de ban. Which is no good cos we are staying in a friends house and there are four of us.

Chrissie said...

Absolutely Kim I can come with you. Can Husband and Celyn tag along too? I'd gladly be your interpreter!!!!!