It's all about attitude
Yesterday evening the antibiotics I had finally crawled into the doctor's surgery to get, started kicking in. There I was stood in my kitchen with my Mum, thinking, "It's beginning...I can actually feel myself just starting to get better. Oh hooray!" And I looked around at all the activity going on around me in that room and remarked to my Mum, "Do you know what I love? I love washing machines, and tumble driers, and dishwashers, and central heating, and antibiotics!" And she replied that these were all things she did not have when she was a young woman. They just plain didn't exist. And she's not 150 or anything!
That thought has rested with me. I began to add to the list. This week I was on the phone to my dear friend Lee who lives in Manhattan, and was trying to explain something to him. "Oh wait...I'll show you" says I...and sent forth an email with a picture of what I was talking about. Less than 30 seconds later I heard the melodic ping of the message arriving on his work computer in downtown New York. I know we sounded like old ducks sitting on a park bench, but we both marvelled that we could communicate so easily and fast with this here new fangled tech-nol-gee. But I am really grateful that I live in world where that is possible. It really is awesome (in the NON-cheesy sense of the word). All these things make my life so much more pleasant and easy.
I think it is not only good, but necessary, for happiness of soul to feel gratitude. A great man once said, "There is a great tendency for us in our prayers to ask for additional blessings. But sometimes I feel we need to devote more of our prayers to expressions of gratitude and thanksgiving for blessings already received. We enjoy so much!" I think of the prayers of my 3 year old. She's grateful for such small things...her nose, the windows, her bed, The Tweenies (by name!), our house, curly hair, rain, sunshine, name it. She asks for practically nothing.
So...this weekend I'm going to ponder just a little more on all that I'm grateful for. Have a good one everyone.
Chrissie x
PS. If you read this, leave a comment...list 5 things you're grateful for (not including family...that's a given) :-D
LOL, Chrissie! Noah prays and thanks God for Spiderman, Sportacus, sweets, torches... They really humble you sometimes, don't they?
As of this moment, right now, I am thankful for it finally looking like we have found a church which we can call home, the opportunity to scrap for 12 hours yesterday, to coming home to a bunch of yellow roses from my family, for fish and chips and my iPod.
Coming home to a bunch of yellow roses! Wow! And finding a church is great! Thanks Jools x
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