Free Hugs
I have to thank Carrie for bringing this vid to my attention (mwwwaaaaah!). I completely love it. This guy's name is Juan Mann and he just started a mission to hug a stranger and brighten someone's day. The effects of the campaign were phenomenal...especially in today's society where we are so distant from one another. And then the city police and officials banned it! (Duh..why?) And so people responded. It's so cool. Apparently he was on Oprah this week :D
Perhaps I can carry on the Free Hugs campaign at the Gloucester retreat this weekend :D What do you think?
I think it's a lovely idea on the surface, but you imagine yourself walking down Swansea High Street, and some man is stood in the middle, with a banner saying "free hugs". Would you go and hug him? Would you let Celyn go and hug him?
I don't think I would.
Mmmm...depends. Well perhaps we'll just start with people we know at the crops and stuff then eh? :D
Celyn wouldn't WANT to hug him. She has a hard enough time giving hugs to her best friends at school! LOL
Watching it again and thinking about it...I think people didn't respond to him at first, and then word spread about what he was really all about. That's what would make the difference.
Still gives me cheesy grin every time I watch it. And the music is fab!
Ahh - but isn't that defeating the object - people knowing what he's doing, and what it's all about? Now it isn't "free hugs", it's "hug the man that we saw on the news, and we might get our picture taken too".
I meant that they'll know he's not a weirdo nutter perv person, not that he's famous or anything. I don't think he did it to get famous necessarily...I'm just not a cynic I guess :D
I would hug him... I think its such a great idea. It's too bad that your world has become what it has and that we do automatically assume the person is a perv/nutso/etc... (don't get me wrong.. I think I would too! its just that's the problem)
I love the music.. and it just makes me feel good. Don't know what it is....
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