Thursday, May 15, 2008


Had a brief shopping trip to the delight that is Tescos supermarket earlier this evening. And I would just like to say, 'fajita' is not pronounced fa-JEE-ta. It is pronounced fa-hee-ta!! HEEEEEEEEEE people, HEEEEEEEEEEE. And, while I'm at it, tortilla is not tor-TILL-uh. It is tor-tee-uh.

And that is all I have to say about that.


misteejay said...


Glad you survived the trip to Tesco - didn't want to have to organise a rescue party to retrieve you from the frozen peas cabinet LOL

Toni :o)

Chrissie said...

No no...although I did see the woman who said "fa-jee-tas" legs askew in said cabinet...

It wasn't me and they can't prove it. And she deserved it anyway...

Anonymous said...

My lot call them fidgetarses!

Chrissie said...

Your lot would...