I've signed up to take a class from Big Picture Scrapbooking which is this reaaaaaally cooooool website by Stacy Julian (head honcho lady over at Simple Scrapbooks magazine). And I am desperate to do it. I love taking classes that I haven't had any hand whatsoever in organising. It's rare. And it's always a delight (if they're good of course).
And yet my class starts today. I've had my daily assignment email which means I now have a bunch of scrapbooking ideas swimming around in my head, but they're all trying to avoid the "but darling, you must do X and Y because you're off to Bonza Baby tomorrow" swimming in schools in the other direction.
Where do people get the time to do everything?
And I also have to be a mummy. And take a photo of Celyn outside our house for a project they're doing about homes this term (only got the letter asking for a photo of child outside home yesterday - hurrumph). And get her ready to go to school. And go to the bank. And wash clothes.
But I waannaaaaa do my claaaaaaaaaass.
Snot fair.
Well, we will have loads of time to swan around looking smug and letting someone else take the strain this weekend...can't wait. And then when you are all inspired you can come back and do that class!!
Awww. THAT'S RIGHT! Thanks Sue!
(And my house is looking fairly tidy, I'm organised, and I'm off to Bonza...so I should stop moaning eh? LOL)
The sandwich is 2 degrees from the picnic!
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