Friday, February 17, 2006

I cannot believe it is the night before The South Wales Crop and I have a really busy 3 days coming up and I've been sat around doing naff all most of the evening. No get up and go today. And no voice either. 'The cold' has moved through:

Stage 1. The throat from hell; on to
Stage 2. Breathing through your nose could be an issue as you have snot enough for all mankind; ...and it is now rapidly heading for
Stage 3. Full blown, cough-till-your-muscles-ache bronchitis.

And no voice. Talk about the hoarse whisperer (mwaaahaaahaaaa). I try to tell myself it's sexy, but who am I kidding?

South Wales Crop tomorrow (as mentioned), then on Sunday evening I'm picking up Sue and we're meeting Fiona at Julia's house for a little PJ party (I said we should all do each other's make-up and be really girly! LOL) and then all 4 of us are heading up to the Stitches trade show at the NEC on Monday. We get to stroke all the new products coming out...and possibly stroke Tim Holtz too, if we can get close enough (heh heh heh).

And as of this moment...I. Am. Not. ORGANISED! And, quite frankly, can't be arsed either.

It'll be fiiiiiiiiiine.

C xx


Jak said...

aww shame Ill miss you, Im going tomorrow. Hope you feel better soon, had flu myself this week....btw if your voice is anything like it was at the retreat, very sexy pmsl! mmwwaahhh!

Flat Golly said...

Didn't stroke Tim did we, but we got awfully close...and you were chatting to him like old friends!

Jools said...

That's a bummer, Chrissie :(

Hope you feel better really soon and that you get the chance to enjoy the weekend.

You never know I might just get along to one some day (I'm threatening to drag Mary with me!!!).

Chrissie said...

The day Mary comes to a crop is the day I stand on the table and do the hula-hula with a bikini on! LOL

Be FAB to have you there though (but you MUST's very busy!)

Jools said...

I'll be sure to let Mary know that - I expect it could be the leverage I need to get her to say yes! LOL!

And yes, of course I'll be sure to book. Can't be for a while though as I'm teaching this weekend at PaperArts and then next month I'm off to ScrapManic so don't suppose my DH will let me out any time soon :(

Bah, who am I kidding? I'm going to look and see which dates work for me ;-)

Chrissie said...

THAT's the spirit! LOL! (says Chrissie, brushing off her bikini...)