Pass the Lemsip & Toast...Happy Valentine's Day!
Danny and I went to Newport last night to have a Valentine's meal (as he teaches guitar on Tuesday nights so it couldn't be today) but I felt so bleuh by the end of it we bagged the movie we were planning to see in Cardiff and came home. On top of that, I had an IBS attack on the M4 which is NOT fun, I can tell you. Anyway, by the time I got in bed, I couldn't decide which part of my body felt worse, but I think the throat eventually won and managed to wake me up at least 5 times in the night, due to the cutting knives that were obviously scraping down my tonsils every time I swallowed. Oh joy.
So I woke up this morning feeling like poo on toast. Well, creamed scrapings of poo on toast with a garnish of cack would be a better description of how delightful I felt. All I could manage to do was moan and carry on sleeping with my mouth open because I couldn't breathe through my nose.
Poor me.
And then my lovely lovely lovely man brought me up a Lemsip (BLESS the man who invented those...they really do help me every time) and a plate of toast...the toast was resting on a serviette cut into a heart shape, and the toast itself had been cut into the letters, "I Still Do". And then he gave me this Valentine's card that he'd made...MADE I tell you. He'd torn paper! He'd stamped! He'd even...hang on to your eyelet setters...raised up the middle part on pop dots. Heavens to Betsy, if I didn't know better I'd say he was gay.
I did ask him where he'd bought the stuff to make the card and when he told me the shop, I said, "Ooo yes...they sell some srapbooking stuff don't they?" and he looked at me like I was slightly moronic and said, "Um. I don't know. I didn't go in and think, "Ooo look...that looks nice!". I bought what I needed and I left. No browsing. Effective shopping".
He's definitely not gay.
Forget big bouquets of flowers and weekends to Paris. When Danny and I were first together he brought me toast in bed then too, cut up in the words, "I Love You". "I Still Do"is all I want.
Happy Valentine's everyone.
1 comment:
Aww how sweet Chrissie, loving the card.
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