Of Bonnets and Ballet Dancers
Life's been getting in the way of blogging again. Bloggin' hell eh? (bwaahaahaa!)
Celyn is now on two weeks holiday from school, which is lovely in some ways and difficult in others. I love having her around of course (and she is such a pleasant child, and is really developing a great sense of humour) and the promise of the odd day out here and there beckons. However, I don't like the wishy-washyness of the lack of routine. And I have a retreat coming up in 1 1/2 weeks so I'm fairly busy. Not so busy I'm going crazy (I'm surprisingly calm and organised which is worrying me slightly - LOL. Keep thinking I must have forgotten something and I'll suddenly realise and say the odd swear word as I do). Anyway, on the last day of school (Thursday because Friday was an Inset day) they had an Easter Bonnet Parade in assembly and so I rustled together this little cap, which she has plonked rather unceremoniously on her head when she exited school that day, but hey ho. Anything for a blogging picture eh?Celyn has also been in her very first ballet concert. Oh I was so proud. There is no other feeling in the world like seeing your offspring, the fruit of your loins, the genetic, nurtured piece of you prancing around on stage in a happy manner. It starts in your toes and swells throughout your whole body...a thrilling pride at her wonderous achievements. Well...her and all the other snotty, germy, oh-so-ordinary children on stage with her of course. LOL! There she is in a terrible photo, being a butterfly. Wha'dya mean, you can't tell which one is her?!!
To be in this concert was such the palava (ballet is a mighty fussy and expensive little to-do, I can tell you) and my lovely scrapbooking friend, Eileen, came over to do her hair for me. I was having itty-bitty kittens at the thought of having to do one of those 'doorknob' buns with nary a wisp of hair out of place for this concert, but Eileen, whose daughter has been dancing (with the same ballet teacher as it happens) since she was 3 (and is now 18), put it up all gorgeous in a minute flat. Maybe two at a push. Doesn't she look fab?!
I got to chat to my wonderful (dare I say, soul-mate) friend Lee in New York on Friday evening. I really never know quite how to express my love for this lovely human being. Just love him. And he may *Chrissie sighs, half not daring to type the next bit in case it doesn't happen* be flying over in 3 weeks to hang out with me for a few days (he gets to fly over for next to nothing because his partner works for an airline). Happiness.
It will have been 12 years since I last saw him....
precious pictures!
we're on 2 weeks holiday too! thank heavens! we all needed some rest!
Aww, Chrissie, lovely photos of Celyn, they truly are the best times. I always got one of those little shivers down my neck when I used to see Martyn in his plays, when he was Celyn's age. Love the handling of the kitten too, it's so fitting of lil uns. Have a good retreat, wish I was coming. XX
Awww I'm glad it went well for her and that you enjoyed the show :) xxx
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