Tuesday, April 17, 2007

I'm crackered...

...of the cream variety, so I'm just off to bed. But...couldn't go without uploading these cwtshy photos of Gingernut who is now 3 weeks old and getting bigger and stronger! We had a little visit with him/her today (we can't tell at the moment whether we have a boy or a girl! LOL. It's harder than you might think!)

Celyn is trying so hard to learn how to hold her kitten and how best to stroke him/her. Look at the concentration on her face. She's just in raptures about it all...but I was having palpitations the other evening that she would end up 'giving him a bath' or some other terrible accident would befall him. However she suggested (with absolutely no input from me) that we should "go to the library and find a book on how to look after kittens...and then we'd know how to do that." What a clever kid!


Anonymous said...

Aww he/she is so adorable! :o) Bet you can't wait to bring him/her home xxx

Flat Golly said...

Ooooh...he/she is gorgeous. I want to take him/her home too!

Just Say Julie said...

what a cutie!

and i love the phrase "i'm crackered..." totally reminds me of my gram!

Sketchy said...

What a pair of cutie-pies!

And I'm going to have to start adding that "I'm crackered" phrase into conversation.

Anonymous said...

crikey, get a book eh? mine would use 'her instincts' to care for a cat! (rspca knock at the door...)

they do look sweet together though!

Nat said...

Awww look how he'she's grown already!!! So cute! xx