Sunday, April 08, 2007

An Eggy Hunting We Will Go...Eventually...

Did I, or did I not, say (previous to leaving for the egg hunt) that we were going to Penllergaer Woods? Did I? Did I?

So...10 minutes after Husband leaves to deposit a stash of choccie eggs around in an Easter Bunny manner we had arranged that I would follow.

Dutifully off we went, Celyn all excited with a rustic and suitably photographable basket in hand, to Penllergaer Woods. We pull into the car park in the woods... no Daddy. No Daddy's car. I start to huff and puff and whinge such things as "Oh for goodness SAKES, where IS he???!!!!" (etc. you get the drift). So I sit there creasing up my brain for 2 or 3 minutes (in ratty arse mood), with Celyn beginning to look like someone had just popped her balloon, when it dawned on me that he had perhaps gone to Squirrel Park instead (around the corner from our house).

Upon arriving at Squirrel Park some 40 minutes after we should have, we are greeted by a ratty arse husband (get us...a matching pair) who was muttering things about having to fend off extraneous children and the odd dog or two from the little trail of eggs he's left all over the woods, and people were beginning to wonder who this strange bloke hanging around in the woods on his own was. Of COURSE we'd agreed Squirrel Park (he says). Why on EARTH would we say Penllergaer Woods (10 minutes drive from our house) when Squirrel Park is practically walkable (2 minutes drive from our house).

I spent the entire time walking around the chocolate trail spontaneously bursting into laughter at the thought of him hanging around the woods trying to get rid of dogs and being stared at in a "nutter in the woods" manner *snort*


Cute pictures huh? :D


Anonymous said...

Lol at the wrong park story! :o)

Gorgeous piccies - really love the one of Celyn coming over the top of the little hill. All very scrappable!

Gems xxx

Nat said...

Lol at the pair of you!! Fab pics - Celyn looks so gorgeous and grown up!! Love the woods in Penllergaer - I used to live in a little house in those woods don't you know!! xxx

Beth said...

Oh Chrissie, that would be so much like me and Simon. Course, I am always right, lol. Lovey pics too. Glad you achieved the egg hunt in the end.

Deborah Duck said...

Ha ha ha! He's lucky he wasn't arrested, I can just picture him shielding all his eggs and fending off chocolate hungry children!

Fab piccies!

Andrea said...

What a fun thing to do. Too funny on the mix up. For some reasons men always hear something different.