What do YOU do at 3.30 in the morning?
Because after 3 games of solitaire, and checking any updates on blogs and forums I read, I've decided that a more productive use of my time would be to actually create my own blog entry. And *why* am I blogging at stupido-o'clock? Because my incessant illness has now decided I have a blocked up nose, which thus far (although feeling like scrapings of plop some days and coughing for a gold medal) I had escaped.
Plus I needed to pee.
So...Oscars! Well, as I explained last year, we always have an annual Oscarfest at my house (or wherever) with Husband and five of our friends. This year was the first time EVER that we'd all been in the same room to watch them (Clare kept in contact by phone last year, and Shaun went to bed and woke up to his victory in the morning!). But not this year...no-ho. By 8pm everybody was settling in for the evening in my living room (although Danny and Katie did go off for naps prior to the ceremonies. In separate beds. Of course.) Shaun drove from Reading that evening, and brought Bertie back (our little Oscar statuette) with an 'I *heart* Crash' piece of paper placed carefully on the front (he voted for Crash as best film last year as opposed to all of us that went for Brokeback Mountain, and he won because of it - LOL).
So I, in a spectacular fashion, was last right from the word go (if you're going to bomb, bomb with style...that's what I say!) and ended up being second to last, next to Katie-Jane. But our 2007 winner was Simon, with Shaun second and Clare pulling a great victory for the girls and coming third. Beating Rob. Hah!

Ah well...the glory shall be mine all mine next year. *snort*

So anyway...whose dresses were gorgeous this year? And whose stank? Us 3 girlies take great delight in wittering on about the apparel, much to the lads' amusement (they can't really see what the difference is between one dress and another). Well...our favourites of the evening were this gorgeous gorgeous dress worn by Cate Blanchett. This photo doesn't do it justice, as it was very shiny-shiny and sparkly, and had the most glorious red beading all around the bottom part of the skirt (which you can just about see). 10/10 for Ms. B we say.

We also liked our lovely Helen Mirren (winner of Best Actress Oscar, thank you very much!) who looked just lovely in this Lacroix dress. And we also thought Jodie Foster and Kate Winslet were looking good in their frocks too, which were respectively blue and mint green...a bit of colour! How exciting (in a sea of black and 'flesh' colour dresses). Couldn't find decent photos of either one though.
But whose dresses were pitiful (considering they have all the money in the world)? Bottom of our list this year were:

Says she. Ms Fashion herself. Bwaahaaa. Well, I've got a movie director coming round for a chat in't mornin' and then some dresses are being flown in from Milan for me choose. Dahling. I'm so cool.
If I can ever get back to sleep that is. A quarter to 5 now. I'm off to get horizontal in a dark room again.
Oh my gosh Kirsten Dunst looks awful! All that money and to show up looking so hideous?! Can't quite work it out myself.
I think Helen Mirren looks absolutely gorgeous though :o) I am so glad she didn't just opt for boring black!
Sounds like you had a great night xxx
Bit of insider goss for you, my sister babysits for the producer of The Queen, who went to the Oscars and wore a Ben de Lisi dress, and had to have security escort her to the airport, because her jewellery was sooooooo expensive!
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