It's Snow Joke!
Well, our family are nearly almost recovered. I still sound like a 40 a day smoker *hack, hack, hack* and Celyn's scheduled whinge happens at breakfast, lunchtime and just before bed as she has to down some banana flavoured antibiotic. She ended up with ear infections in both ears, bless her, which made her very poorly indeed. She's lost so much weight :-(
My mother is still feeling fairly ill, with a wheezy, crackly chest that you could probably hear in space. Will she see a doctor? Don't be damn stupid! Of COURSE she won't. She's 84!! 84 year olds do NOT go to see doctors of their own volition. 84 year olds need to be tricked into appointments (I do this on a regular basis. I am evil and should be destroyed, but hey *shrugs*)
Anyway, I am still here but this is why I haven't blogged for days on end. Once I'd started to feel well again (Wednesday), I was playing catch-up with lots of urgent retreat/seminar/crop business (the 30 spaces for our Shape-Up for Design Seminar in Reading in April sold out in 2 days :-D ) AND looking after Celyn and my mum. Celyn went back to school today, just in time for them to close just as she was leaving at 11.20! LOL After missing out on the first snow this week (friends were blogging the most beautiful snowman pictures and I was jealous!), today it dumped 4 inches of the stuff all over Pontarddulais in a " shouldn't grumble then, should you!?" manner.
We went for a walk in the park up the street on our estate this afternoon and at one point Celyn fell over and got a very wet bottom! LOL As you can see from the picture, she wasn't exactly happy about it! She soon cheered up when she carried on playing with the snow though, making snow balls and so on (which she threw at me, cheeky monkey!).
Danny and I bought a new (to us!) second car this morning. His old beat up Cavalier is due for the MOT and tax and we knew the process would cost us hundreds, so we figured we'd spend the money on a better (read "safer") car. Have you ever test driven a car in the snow? I don't recommend it. All I want to say is I need to repent of the rather choice swear words that uttered forth from my mouth as I started sliding towards the side of a honking great lorry as I was test driving the new (to us!) car just before purchase. It wasn't the most calm moment of my life, that's for sure. Not just careering into a lorry, but careering into a lorry in a car I was test-driving for pity's sake. Not to mention the revving of the engine and spinning of the wheels thing that happned as I tried to go up a hill. Anyway, we are now the proud owner of a shiny new (to us!) beigy-gold Vectra with only 70,000 on the clock and in excellent condition. AND I bartered money off as well. Ha!
Well, I need to go and wash my mouth out with soap now and then make the fam-lee some dinner. The South Wales Crop is ON tomorrow by the way (any S Wales Croppers who might be reading this). I just spoke with my neighbour who has driven from Birmingham to Swansea today and says the M4 is wet but clear (although grid-locked with traffic at the moment). So once I've negotiated my way to the main roads, all will be well and we shall crop merrily till 4, when everyone needs to go home before dark. Including me.

Lovely piccies.The only drawback to being a school secretary, is that I don't get to go home early on snow days! I was still in work at 4.00pm even though the school closed at 1.00pm. There were still 4 kids left ( well 2 of them were mine). All the snow had melted and turned to slush by the time we got home.
Aww lovely photos :o) Looks like Celyn enjoyed herself.
I'm glad you are all pretty much better!
Be careful on the roads tomorrow. They have said we may be in for some more snow, but that won't be what causes the problems, it will be the ice.
glad to hear youre all feeling a tad better...celyn looks like she enjoyed her walk out. x
Glad you're all better!!! Fab photos - Celyn's gorgeous as always :)It's meant to snow again around 5am - so I'll have my fingers crossed for you that they got it wrong again ;)That Derek the weather man - whazeee like eh?!! xxx
Lovely pics, snow always looks fun, doesn't it...
Not the best thing in the world to nearly hit a lorry during a test drive so can understand the need for the colourful language (hope you din't go too mad with the soap, LOL). Toni
Beautiful photos of Celyn Chrissie, she's very genteel and lovely looking, bless her. G;ad you all fel better than you were though. Best of lucj with the crop too. Beth XX
Sorry Chrissie, spelling is all over the place in the above post, that's DH trying to talk to me when I concentwating, I can multi-task though, but for some reason, not this morning, lol. :-)) Beth XX
Love the Photos - glad u r feeling better
Vicki xx
Lovely photo's, especially that last one.
I'm sure I remember seeing on the news that scientists have proven that chocolate is good for a cough - maybe you should eat some, purely for scientific research! ;oD
Glad you're better. I was stuck in that M4 gridlock for 2 and a half hours! Took me 5 hours toget to my Mum's!
Lovely snow pictures!!
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