Short for Sneak Peek you know. Because you are (in the nicest possible way) All & Sundry (sounds like a firm of solicitors doesn't it? LOL...Messrs All & Sundry).
Anyhooooo...this is another of the Shape Up for Design classes that we (that be me and Julia) begin teaching this Saturday at Crafty-Ness' studios in Caerphilly. I am crazy busy this week getting that ready (i.e. finishing 12 page handout, writing up class instructions, making sure all kit papers/bits and bobs are ordered, making up kits, rocking gently in a soothing manner), sorting out my classes for the Create & Craft day (again in Caerphilly) on 3 Feb, sorting out the Swansea Crop this Friday, ordering papers for the next S Wales Crop and...oh yeah...getting my tax return done (which has to be in before 31 January--blummin' heck).
Plus run a house. And look after a four year old.
Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha... (that's laughter nigh on hysteria, if you are failing to recognise the slightly unhinged tone of the mirth).
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