Wednesday, January 17, 2007

The Highest of Honours

Okay. Now I love a good laugh. So I do have a blog on my Blog Scraps list which I call 'The Funniest Blog in the World' because it has made me laugh till I cry.

But I think we have a new favourite. Oh yes. Because (here's the clincher)...I am hooting like a demented tawny owl. All thanks to Lorraine of the Scrap Cafe who emailed me this link this morning. Her email was entitled 'Whose Husband Is This?' and I have to put up my hand and say, "Yep. I think that would be mine."

Too hilaaaaaaaaaaaaaariously funny.

Scrapbook Widower Go click on that link. And enjoy a ROFLPIMP!!! Waaahaaahaaaaa ha ha!


misteejay said...

Thanks for bring this blog to everyones attention. Have been LOL the whole time I was reading his posts. Toni :o)

D@nielle said...

If you think he's funny you should check my DH out, he started all this blogging about scrapping wives ....