Chortle chortle...
Celyn's watching Joseph in her bedroom again. A 4 year old's version of the songs:
"There's been a run of crazy dreams, and the man who can in turn it, could be a superstar"
or (very earnestly):
"Those Canaan days we used to know, where have they gone, where diiiiiiiiiiiiid they goooooo?"
8 more sleeps and we go see it in real life at The Grand Theatre. Danny can hardly wait! LOL
Hi, we watched this on the weekend, and Katie keeps repeating the Pharoh bit where he sings "This is really going to blow your mind" in an Elvis type voice!
Celyn likes the bit where Joseph says "the dreams you had in your pajamas" and Pharoh looks a bit perturbed. She laughs and laughs every time.
Gotta love Donny!
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