Sunday, May 28, 2006

You can always tell...

...when people are out doing fun stuff of the bank holiday ilk, as blogging and UKSing and looking at Scrappers Unlimited websiting goes all to bo-diddly squat. But that's okay because the sun is beaming like a three year old who just discovered the word 'bum' and that's just as it should be.

And I finished my last project for the Colour for Design seminars yesterday but I can't show you (arrgh) cos it's secret and I'd have to kill you. Bwaaahaaahaa. Well...actually, cos it's for the seminar and it's like publishing before it's officially published for ze customers, quoi. But here's a BIT of it (about 1/8!). I am very happy with it although I ripped it apart 2 or 3 times before I finally pulled it altogether in 20 minutes flat (isn't that always the way?). The pre-work was necessary to the 20 minutes...but it was excruciatingly annoying at the time.

I shall show the whole thing once the first seminar is over :-D

Need to make the famlee some dinner now before they all slip into a coma...or (worse) start eating junk.

PS. I've had some challenge layouts in already...hope you're all busy scrapping!


Linz said...

Very nice, but I hope your not going to show all before 22nd July :)

Chrissie said...

Oh okay then - LOL. Sorry to tease everyone. No showing until 22 July...!